Home Ownership

Habitat for Humanity of the Middle Keys, Inc. is committed to the development of safe, decent, and affordable homes. We also are committed to work with and support partner owners to insure that the experience of long term homeownership is positive and successful. Our Partner owners are amazing people dedicated to working hard, helping themselves and others achieve the dream of purchasing and owning their own home. Each home has a story; each home has touched the lives of many people. Since 1991, we have made the dream of homeownership a reality for 39 wonderful families.

DO YOU QUALIFY? Homeowner Selection Criteria

Potential homeowners are selected based on the following criteria:

A demonstrated need for adequate and affordable housing:

Applicants must demonstrate that their present housing arrangement does not qualify as adequate. There are many facets to this portion of the application process. This criteria includes those that cannot purchase a home through a conventional mortgage due to the high cost of homes as well as those whose rent payments exceed 36% of their income, poor property condition, and inadequate space/room for those living together. Our main goal is to give hard working people in Marathon the opportunity to become homeowners in our community.

Ability to pay the mortgage:

Partner owners are those who cannot obtain conventional financing or decent, affordable housing, but have sufficient income to afford the monthly mortgage payments and other costs associated with homeownership.
An applicant’s gross income is based on the TOTAL household income for all members 17 years of age and over (excluding full time students up to age of 24): public assistance, child support, assets, alimony payments and funds obtained from the employment of ALL people living in the home will be included in the gross income.

Willingness to partner:

Applicants must show a genuine interest in the overall community reinvestment philosophy of Habitat for Humanity. Each applicant selected to purchase a home from Habitat for Humanity of the Middle Keys invests in the Habitat program by working 350 hours of “sweat equity” helping to build homes, helping at Habitat events, and other programs/organizations to benefit Habitat and the Marathon community.

If you have questions about becoming a homeowner, contact 305-743-9828.

Maximum Income Limits are currently in process. Please call our office at 305-743-9828 and our Applicant Selection Manager can talk to you directly about the Maximum allowable gross income parameters.